Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What would you bring?

There was one part of the book that really made me think about how a war would affect my own life. In chapter three on pages 29-34, Irena talks about all of the stuff that she packed when she was forced to leave her house, which included some of her favorite magazines and clothes. Then, on page 33, she says, "Now she was carrying the contents of her life, so incompletely accounted for in a gym bag". She also makes reference to the Holocaust victims who were forced to carry everything that was important to them. That made me think - if I had to leave my home and everything I knew and pack it all into one gym bag, what would I bring? Would I pack pictures? Movies? Favorite books? Would it even matter if there was a war going on? What do you guys think? What would you bring with you? - Chelsea

1 comment:

UB's Pretty Birds Group said...

That's definately an interesting thing to think about. In the heat of the moment I assume I would take the most ridiculous stuff but then I wonder if anything can actually be considered ridiculous in a situation like this. You're leaving your house, maybe taking some of your favortie things is just as important as taking food and nutritional necessitites. During such a tough time I know that I would also want some things that comforted me...something from home. What does everyone else think?? --Jessica